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The Open Bible Churches in France, called the Antioch Network, have heard the “Clarion Call”. The clarion was a loud and shrill instrument that signaled the time to go into battle. A wake-up call is such a call, but one that comes from the core of one's spirit to come out of complacency, procrastination, doubt, fear and limitations to MOVE and CONQUER for the Kingdom!

Today evangelical Christians represent 1.01% of the French population. France is a hyper-secularized society. There is a rejection of a “sacred order”. Instead, the postmodern world promotes individual freedom as a fundamental principle of today’s worldview. Approximately 51% of people between 18 and 59 years old declare that they do not practice any religion.

We currently have 22 churches in France. The goal of our field director, Michel Marvane, and the Antioch Network (Open Bible Churches) is to plant 50 churches by the year 2037.

The Clarion Call is the call of the Great Commission given by Jesus in Matthew 28:18-20. What a privilege to be part of this divine and eternal plan!

Our leaders in France have put aside their doubts and fears and are asking us to join them in their work. What God is about to do in France will not be the work of a few men or women, but it will be the Lord who orchestrates everything according to His will and plan as we sound the trumpet of the Gospel to bring revival to this desolate and barren country.

Would you join the Multiply France team by giving an offering that will help our pastors, their families and communities? Our priority will be to provide funds so that our Open Bible leadership in France can plant more churches and spread the Gospel of Christ.

You can donate online or also mail a check to the national office payable to Open Bible Churches and write “Multiply France” in the memo line.

Thank you for partnering with us.

Vince McCarty

Global Missions Executive Director