our National Board

From left to right: Randy Sterns - Tampa, FL; Kerry Crawford - Brooklyn, NY; Burt Campbell - O'Fallon, MO; Jorge Morelles - Spanaway, WA; Josh Stelly - Spokane, WA; Evonn Dorr - Polk City, IA; Karl Francis - Cooper City, FL; Michael Nortune - Prrsident; Renita Collins - St. Clair Shores MI; John Hoffman - Boone, IA; Anthony Lee - Bend, OR; Darrick Young - Urbandale, IA; George Williams - Toledo, OH; Ximena Urra - Miami, FL; Randy Brock - Rapid City, SD
our Executive Leadership Team
The senior executive leaders of the Association serve the president in giving shape to Association vision, provide consultative assistance to the national board, and supervise areas of responsibility as provided in Association bylaws and as delegated by the national board.
our National Leaders
Michael Nortune
Bruce Pfadenhauer
Vice President
Brian Ehlers
Vince McCarty
Global Missions Director
Pablo Urra
Hispanic East Director
Jorge Navarrete
Hispanic West Director
our Regional Directors
Bruce Pfadenhauer
Central Region Director
Josh Grimes
East Region Director
Derek Sissel
Mountain Plains Region Director
Chris Hansler
Pacific Region Director
Nathan Hagan
Southeast Region Director